Gastric Sleeve

Gastric Sleeve Surgery, also known as Gastric Sleeve Resection or Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG), is a restrictive type of weight loss surgery that permanently reduces the size of the stomach. It promotes weight loss by limiting food intake and lessening the sensation of hunger; it does not involve intestinal rerouting or food malabsorption.


In this weight loss procedure a bariatric surgeon removes about 60 percent of the stomach so that it takes the shape of a tube or sleeve.


The non-reversible surgery is performed under general anesthesia and takes about one to two hours. Afterward you would probably stay in the hospital for one or two days, and recovery from gastric sleeve surgery may last a few weeks. This operation is performed laparoscopically, i.e. the surgeon makes small incisions as opposed to one large incision. Surgeon then inserts a viewing tube with a laparoscope (small camera) and other tiny instruments into these small incisions to remove part of the stomach. The tube-shaped stomach that is left is sealed closed with staples.


It is often followed by a gastric bypass or duodenal switch after the patient has lost a significant amount of weight. Called a "staged" approach to weight loss surgery, this makes the second procedure less risky than it would have been had it been the first and only procedure.


The timing of the second surgery varies according to the degree of weight loss. It usually occurs within six to 18 months.


Gastric Sleeve is ideal choice for those who are super-super obese, meaning they have a body mass index (BMI) of more than 60, or for those who are not in appropriate physical condition to undergo gastric bypass surgery or other more radical weight loss surgeries.


Majority of people who have gastric sleeve surgery lose 30 to 50 percent of their excess body weight over six months to one year. Studies have shown that after the gastric sleeve resection procedure people show improvement in diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and sleep apnea within one to two years. These improvements are comparable with those seen after other weight loss surgeries.


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