Thigh Lift

A thigh lift, also known as thighplasty, is a surgical procedure that improves the contour of the thighs and buttocks by lifting and tightening loose skin in the area.


Thigh lift procedure is usually advised to people who have excess, loose and sagging skin in the thigh area. This may be due to a weight loss or previous liposuction procedures. The best candidates for thighplasty are in good general health without any chronic conditions and do not smoke.


A thigh lift is usually performed as an outpatient procedure. General anesthesia is administered before surgery. The areas are marked prior to surgery while the patient is in a standing position. The procedure takes approximately two hours, depending on the patient and what is needed. Deep sutures are used to close any incisions, which dissolve within four months.


Patients are usually advised to take seven to ten days off from work for the recovery. During this period, patients must remain in either a reclining or standing position, since sitting is not allowed during the recovery process. Some bruising and swelling may occur after the surgery, and could last up to one month. The majority of patients recover well after a thigh lift, with most returning to all normal activities within four to six months.


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