Coflex Implant for Spinal Stenosis

The Coflex implant is designed to help the spine re-stabilize after decompression surgery by functioning as a spacer within the spinal canal. Decompression surgery is performed to release pressure on compressed nerves by removing thickened ligaments, thickened joints, bony spurs and prolapsed or herniated disc tissue from the spinal column.


Spinal stenosis is a medical condition that narrows the cervical or lumbar spinal canal, which in turn compresses the nerve roots that run through it. It causes back, leg and neck pain, numbness in the buttocks, thighs or calves, pain that worsens with walking or exercise, leg weakness, and difficulty with walking and balance. Stenosis is typically treated with anti-inflammatory medication and pain relievers, and physical therapy to aid with posture and walking. Coflex impant Surgery is recommended when other measures to control spinal stenosis fail.


The Coflex implant is implanted within the spinal canal, with the application of a mallet ensuring that it is firmly implanted into the bone. On either side of the Coflex implant are metal "wings". These wings are often crimped against the bone in order to ensure sufficient contact with the bone. The precise placement of the Coflex implant provides the spine with stabilization and proper height of the segment where the implant has been placed. The placement of the Coflex implant also ensures that irritated nerves will not be irritated again. While the Coflex implant will not shift position, it will compress in on itself if you bend backwards, so you are able to maintain full mobility even after it has been implanted.


To know more Coflex Implant for Spinal Stenosis procedure, call us or use our online form.

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